Are you in need of credit repair, but don't know where to start? You can begin by requesting a copy of your credit report through the credit bureaus or a credit monitoring service. On your report you can see what is making your score so low. Too many credit inquiries, outstanding balance too close to credit limit and late payments are just a few of the ways your score can dip. Focus on the main issue, and remember it does take time for positive work to reflect on your report.
One of the most effective ways to increase your score is to keep your debt under 30% of your credit limit. Anything above that will have a negative impact on your score.
Limit the amount of credit cards you have. Less is more. The minimum open lines of credit to buy a home or rent an apartment is three, so there's no need to open ten. Also, a mortgage or car lease qualifies as a line of credit that can help your score by adding to the variety of credit types.
Remember your oldest credit card and the one with the least APR% are your best friends. Keep these open and pay them down. They contain your greatest credit history. If you close them all that history goes away and so does your good score.
Overall, if you just maintain low balances and limit your lines of credit you'll be on your way to a more admiral FICO score.
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